About Us

850 Vape Shop was founded to bring to Pensacola what is normally only seen in larger metropolitan areas. We strive to bring the latest advancements in technology to you faster than any other store in our area. Our basis of our eliquid sales is focused solely on lab created ejuice. House and in store made liquid is a dangerous prospect. We only support 100% lab and sterile environment made liquids.


We have a strict privacy policy because we care about our readers and subscribers and appreciate that you have placed your trust in us. Our promise is to never share your information or send you anything unless you agree to it!

Our Dedication to Accuracy

We strive to ensure that our content goes beyond just being fun – though there’s no denying that it’s super fun. We make sure that it is edited thoroughly and fact-checked for clarity, fairness, and accuracy. If we are recommending you a new fitness tip, health practice, or even a CBD-infused recipe that works on the keto diet, trust us. We’ve tried it all ourselves, and we’re only including it in our publications because we are confident that you’ll love them just as much as we do.

Affiliate Disclosure

At It’s Me and You, we are dedicated to total transparency with our readers, which is why we want to let you know that we will sometimes participate in affiliate marketing programs. This means that we may sometimes be paid a commission when you purchase a product that you discovered through us, whether it’s through our digital or print publications.

You’ll find that lots of other health and wellness magazines recommend every product under the sun just because it means they get a little bit of extra cash. That’s not how we operate. We will only recommend something that we truly love and back fully. The merchandise that we choose to feature in our publications is always driven by editorial standards rather than affiliate deals or advertising relationships.

Our Team

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